I received my PhD in 2012 from Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) for the design of an active deployable tensegrity structure. From 2012 to 2014, I joined Princeton University as Postdoctoral Researcher for the Form-Finding Lab. Since January 2015, I am a Professor at Department of Civil & Architectural Engineering at the University of Miami. My research focuses on structural morphology and morphogenesis. I explore these concepts to design tomorrow's structures using systems, such as tensegrity, with applications varying from marine and coastal structures to building and infrastructure systems to space structures.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you are interested in pursuing a collaboration.
2023-Present, Associate Professor
University of Miami
2015-2023, Assistant Professor
University of Miami
2012-2014, Post-Doc
Princeton University
2008-2012, Ph.D.
Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
2006-2008, M.Sc.
Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
2002-2006, B.Sc.
Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
Research Interests
Tensegrity structures
Adaptation and green/gray infrastructure
Adaptive, sensory and active structures
Form finding and analysis of structures
Structural design and optimization
Space engineering and construction
Resilience and sustainability
Computer-aided engineering
Funded Research Projects
01/2024 - 06/2025: Sustainable and scalable 3D printing of concrete materials for green-gray coastal protection systems, Department of Defense Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II (SP)
08/2023 - 07/2028: CAREER: Static, Dynamic and Kinematic Analysis and Optimization of Tensegrity Structures through Cellular Morphogenesis, National Science Foundation (NSF) (PI)
09/2022 - 08/2027: Large-scale CoPe: Reducing Climate Risks with Equitable Nature-based Solutions: Engaging Communities on Reef-Lined Coasts, National Science Foundation (NSF) (SP)
06/2022 - 05/2027: X-REEFS (Reef Engineering to Enhance Future Structures), Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) (SP)
05/2022 - 04/2025: Analysis, Comparison and Experimental Investigation of Hurricane Wind, Storm-Surge and Wave Load Models, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) (PI)
05/2022 - 04/2025: Enhancing Windstorm Resilience of Coastal Communities through Ultra-High Performance Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer Concrete Seawalls, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) (Co-PI)
01/2022-12/2022: Wahoo Bay SEAHIVE™: A Real-World Experiment of Green Engineering Shoreline Protection, University of Miami Laboratory for INtegrative Knowledge (U-LINK) (PI)
01/2022-12/2022: Multidimensional Resilience of Port Miami: Collaborative Engagement, Interdisciplinary Assessment, and an Educational “Port Hub”, University of Miami Laboratory for INtegrative Knowledge (U-LINK) (Co-PI)
01/2022-12/2022: Engineering Corals for Climate Change Resilience, University of Miami Laboratory for INtegrative Knowledge (U-LINK) (Co-PI)
09/2020-08/2022: Climate and Equity Mapping Platform (CAMP), JPMorgan Chase Foundation (SP)
01/2020-12/2022: Enhancing the Resilience and Climate Readiness of South Florida’s Most Vulnerable and Valuable Shorelines Through Coral Reef Restoration: From Coral Colonies to Coastlines (FL), National Coastal Resilience Fund 2019, National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) (Co-PI)
01/2019-04/2022: SEAHIVE - Sustainable Estuarine and Marine Revetment, National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Innovations Deserving Exploratory Analysis (IDEA) (PI)
10/2019-12/2021: Phase II - Identifying, prioritizing, and validating green infrastructure approaches to enhance coastal resilience, University of Miami Laboratory for INtegrative Knowledge (U-LINK) (Co-PI)
09/2018-08/2020: Housing Resiliency and a Sustainable South Florida, JPMorgan Chase Foundation (SP)
01/2018-08/2018: Phase I - Enhancing resilience and reducing vulnerability of our coastal communities through ecological restoration: The role of green infrastructure in reducing wave energy and mitigating the impacts of climatic hazards, University of Miami Laboratory for INtegrative Knowledge (U-LINK) (Co-PI)
01/2017-12/2018: CRISP Type 1/Collaborative Research: A Human-Centered Computational Framework for Urban and Community Design of Resilient Coastal Cities, National Science Foundation (NSF) (PI)
08/2016-07/2017: Tensegrity Modules for Shape Control and Locomotion through Simulation and Physical Rapid Prototyping, Florida Space Research Program (PI)