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Note: If you are interested in pursuing collaboration or if you would like further information on one of the topics below, please do not hesitate to contact me via email.



Coastal structures


Coastal communities play a critical role in the global economy yet they are increasingly being exposed to natural hazards, such as hurricanes, recurrent flooding, and sea-level rise. These events can directly impact critical coastal infrastructure and the built environment, thus adversely affecting the safety and well-being of local residents. We study the impact of these events on coastal communities and structures, propose adaptation strategies and develop novel solutions with particular focus on green (nature-based) and gray (human-made) structures.

Experimental testing of our SEAHIVE™ system at the SUrge STructure Atmosphere INteraction Facility (SUSTAIN).

Tensegrity structures

Tensegrity refers to structures composed of elements in tension and compression in a stable self-equilibrated state. This state controls their form and behavior. Although the form-finding, analysis and control of tensegrity systems have received significant interest, tensegrity structures are still not properly understood and thus fully explored. Our work on the cellular morphogenesis of tensegrity structures aims to decipher tensegrity structures and enable designers to predefine and control their topology, shape, and behavior.

Morphogenesis of the Stanford bunny using tensegrity cellular multiplication (330 cells and 548 self-stress states).


Form-finding and analysis 


Form finding describes the forward process in which parameters, such as topology and support conditions, are controlled to find a geometry which is in static equilibrium with a specific set of design loads. As a result, the obtained structures exhibit material and structural efficiency. Our work focuses on the development and use of form-finding and analysis methods in STEAM applications.


Form-finding and analysis of a Dielectric Elastomer Minimum-Energy Structure (DEMES).


Structurally integrated adaptive structures


Adaptive structures include actuated elements that allow them to change state or characteristics in a controlled manner, while active structures combine actuated elements with sensors (feedback control) to perform such changes. Active structures are a potential solution to engineering challenges such as adaptive/resilient architecture, changing/challenging environments (including hazard mitigation) and sustainability. Our focus lies on the development of adaptive structures that integrate active elements and sensors within their structural system.


A structurally integrated active deployable tensegrity model at IMAC, EPFL (Switzerland).


Structural design and optimization


Structures are designed to satisfy safety and serviceability criteria. Traditional design strategies are based on iterative approaches similar to gradient search. However, the solutions that satisfy these criteria may not be unique. Moreover, the size and complexity of the corresponding design spaces is often unknown and large. We explore analysis and optimization techniques to identify design solutions for safety and serviceability as well as other project constraints.


Illustration of suspended footbridge configurations.




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